The SOS Community Church is dedicated to working with God to bring Life-saving Information For Everyone by teaching and demonstrating truth, love, and healing to God’s children everywhere, so that each person can experience healing of mind and character.

We believe that every human being is created in the image of God with their own unique identity and the capacity to think and to act. However, humanity has been affected by sin, a destructive element that impacts health and happiness resulting in an incomplete experience of the fullness of the physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual health that God intended for us.

It is our belief that:

  • The Bible, as a complete whole, is inspired by God and is a reliable and faithful revelation of who God is, His character, and His plan to heal and restore mankind.
  • God is love (1John 4:8). His character of love is the foundation of His government. The law of love is the principle upon which all life in the universe is designed to operate. God - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - co-exists as three in one. The health and happiness of all creation is dependent upon harmony with God’s law of love.
  • Sin, at its core, is selfishness, the very opposite of God’s character of love.
  • Sin originated with satan. Mankind has believed satan’s lies about God and rebelled against God and His law of love. Thus mankind became sinful and selfish. This would naturally lead to self-destruction if it were not for the intervening graciousness of God.
  • Jesus Christ, being fully God, is the one through whom all things were made and equal in majesty, authority and divinity with the Father (John 14:9-11, Heb 1:1-3, Col 1:16). He came to reveal to us what our Heavenly Father is like.
  • Jesus humbled Himself, joining His divinity with our humanity in order to reach sinful man with God’s saving love and grace.
  • He was tempted in every way just like we are yet lived a perfect sinless life and freely surrendered Himself to death triumphing over evil and sin (Heb 4:15).
  • Christ rose from the dead and is in heaven directing all the agencies of heaven for our ultimate eternal salvation and the final defeat of evil forces.
  • Every person who is to be saved is saved only as a result of what Jesus Christ has done for us and His victory over sin and over death for mankind.
  • The Holy Spirit is Christ’s representative on earth administering all the benefits achieved by Christ to those who trust in God.
  • Christ will come again, literally and visibly, with His angels to bring His people to Himself, put a final end to sin and sinners and restore this universe back into the eternal harmony of love.
  • A literal, physical new heaven and new earth will become home to those who are safe to be saved.
  • In a literal, physical resurrection from the dead, those with a character that will allow them to be happy and safe in Heaven, God's perfect dwelling place, as an outcome of having a saving relationship with Him, along with those who are alive with the same attributes, will exchange this sick, disease ridden body for a perfect, eternal body no longer subject to pain, suffering and death when Jesus comes back.
  • Even though no specific date has been given to mankind, based on current circumstances predicted in the Bible which is inspired by God, the time for Christ to return is imminent.
  • In the final analysis, it is not God's desire that anyone should be destroyed but that everyone should have a change of heart and mind by adopting and applying God's principles of love. He values highly our freedom to choose, to think and to do. He has told us of the
  • benefits of choosing that which is wholesome and the natural consequence of choosing that which is self-destructive.


The SOS Community Church, c/o 6 Clarence Road, Southend-on-Sea, SS1 1AN